10/5/14  PM:

This is my first DietBet! I'm super excited and PRAYING this will be the thing to get me going again!  I lost 75 lbs a few years ago and reached my goal of 155. I felt great! Unfortunately, after maintaining it for about a year, I went through a separation and divorce and have backslid about 20-25 lbs. :(
I know what works for me...I just need to do it!! Weigh-in planned for the morning!! LET'S DO THIS!!


10/6/2014  AM:

OK....official weigh-in complete...and I wanted to cry!!  I can't believe I have let it slip so far.  It feels very discouraging and as if all that hard work from several years ago was for not.  *sigh*  On the plus side, I know that isn't the case...it was still ground gained and I KNOW what to do.  I have that experience to draw from and know I can get there again with a lot more focus, preparation, planning, exercise, and (of course) a lot less junkie food!