I weighed in again this morning and I am down 1.7 lbs.  :)  While this is plenty swell....I, of course, believe it should be way more! LOL! I've met my calorie intake goal for the last 3 days. Further, and happily, today is day 4 and I'm still feeling very encouraged that I'll stay on track today as well (so far so good)!

The next thing to tackle is getting myself moving again. I'm thinking I may start with some stretching and light yoga to get used to MAKING the time for exercise and to get my body "primed" for a bit more activity. My body is so stiff and cranky from the habit of NOT exercising for way too long again.

I'm a little nervous about the weekend...weekday routine is my friend on the food intake...but that's part of the deal, so I gotta just sort it out.