Its early morning already but I'm just climbing to bed after a very challenging weekend...

Well Day 8 technically has passed. I"m dissapointed because I said I was going to blog everyday and obviously missed a few days. I was distracted with a mishap that occurred.

Anyhow, I managed to stay on track today. I got a very intense cardio workout in and 10000 fitbit steps in. I also stayed within my recommended daily calories. 

I will not get discouraged by this weekend. I want to stay focused and positive. I'm determined to lose my 4% or more and get back to feeling strong with lots of will power going on. 

I'm so glad for new days because its always a new start and chance to start all over again or continue on doing what your doing. 

My mantra for tomorrow is going to be "do the work, see the results."

I hope to accomplish the same goals that I've done today and I'm back to work tomorrow so I'm going to be faced with a few more temptations. I will have to bring m lunch everyday. 

It's bed time...nite nite....