It's the most wondeful time of the year! NFL football is on three days/nights a week. My fantasy football season is well under way and the tension is crazy. The Patriots are having an emotional year. It's madness. And I love it all! But it also makes weight loss a lot more difficult, because for me, watching/enjoying football has historically been coupled with drinking beer, and when football is on from 1pm - 11pm on Sundays, that can sometimes mean 10+ hours of drinking beer. I think it would be easier if I could watch football at home, but I can't. I have to go out to see it, which used to mean going to a bar. Today though, I'm going to the gym and hoping that the games on Fox and/or CBS locally will be worth watching. I may not get to see the Patiots game, depending on what time they play and on what network. But this is the sacrifice I have to make, because I have to seperate drinking beer from watching football, otherwise all the progress I make during the week is erased in one day. It is hard for me to explain how deeply these two things are connected in my brain. It's like Halloween and candy to me. I welcome any tips or tricks or advice anyone has to give on this kind of struggle!