Every time I start a new diet lately I write a blog saying how bad I've been doing but that this is it, I'm going to do it this time. Well this time I honestly don't even know where to start. I had been doing great for a months and then it seems like I just hit a wall... a very hard wall. Summer was not my friend. I went back to overnight shift, was dealing with a ill family member and learned that my dog's cancer has returned. I did what I always do when stressed... I ate and then I ate some more.  I knew I wasn't losing weight but when I got the scales yesterday my heart sunk when I realized I have actually gained 20 pounds back. 20 pounds! I am the heaviest I've been months.  I am utterly amazed that this happens so quickly.  At this point I have 0 confidence and I definitely don't like feeling like this. I've still got those stresses in my life but no longer will I use food as crutch. I've done this before so I know I can do it,  I've just got to do it! The next time I start a new bet I will be blogging about how good I've been doing!