This time is different. I can feel it. I've been a yo-yo dieter for the last 13 years. I've started and stopped so many diets I couldn't even begin to tell you how many times I've rode the "weight loss" train. Now feels different. I can't even put my finger on it. I guess theres something in your brain that just says enough is enough and doesnt let up. I feel the pull this time more then usual. I feel the drive. I feel the urges that get me out the door to start my runs. The positive happy feelings I am getting when I make a new recipe and its healthy for my whole family (and its delicious). For so long, everything seemed so hard to keep up. The busy schedules, the insane amount of stress and the long list of to dos. However this time is different. The scheduled runs are happening EVERY time like my daily appointments. The food is clean and healthy and are becoming easier to put together. The choices are becoming automatic and I'm not dying, Im not starving...I'm not uncomfortable. For the first time, I see the positive changes that are feeling more permanent the longer it goes on. I CAN do this. I AM doing this. I couldn't be in a better place.      
