The absolute last thing I wanted to do this morning was workout.  I really didn't even want to get out of bed.  I'm on day 4 of 1200 calories and twice a day workouts with One Week Shred and I'm tired.  really really tired.  But I had a cup of coffee, drank a protein shake and did my morning workout.  Last night I said no to nachos and a vodka soda, today I worked out when I really REALLY did not want to.  I feel like I am on the cusp of a major change in myself.  Pushing myself past what I want in the moment, what my brain is telling me (did you know that your brain can actually sabotage your because it hates change, perfers the status quo?) and doing what I know will be the best for me in the long run.  Still have my afternoon cardio workout to do but I am confident that I will do it and complete this week strong.  I may be walking a little funny because I'm so sore but I will have completed something 100%, no short cuts, no 'just one of these wouldn't hurt' excuses... stay tuned!