I guess that this just wasn't a good time for me to start a diet program.  I had a total emotional breakdown and am off work for a few days. Just now climbed out of bed from sleeping on/off for three days. The good thing is, I have no appetite, so the emotional eating part didn't happen. The bad part is, I feel totally exhausted and can't even hardly make it up and down my stairs.

So, today is a new day, a new start. My Dr has revamped my Depression Meds, and my work has redone my schedule so that I don't have to work so many days in a row and I get more days off each week. It will crunch the income, but I will manage. My job is VERY stressful.

Dr Orders: Get out and walk 20-30 minutes every day, rain or shine.  So that is where I will start.

Now that I have gotten all that stress out of my system, I can get up and start fresh. After I finish writing this, I will get up, get dressed and take that walk: one foot in front of the other.

I didn't lose much weight this challenge, but I did take off some.  That is not a bad thing. And I still have a couple more days to whittle off another pound. So, considering the circomstances (That my head and my heart were not in it), I can pat myself on the back for what I've accomplished.

Next month will be better.