Just got done with today's workout, a 2 mile half hour long video with Leslie Sansone. My very first workout of the game. I did feel winded about halfway through, so I just slowed down a tad but I finished! My lungs and throat do feel scratchier and slightly burning but I imagine it'll calm down. I've never exercised with a cold before so I don't know what to expect. I did break a sweat and got a great workout in, so I'm proud! Now to do my bible study, which I'm so excited about. It's called Experiencing God and all I can say is wow. It turned upside down all I ever thought about God's will and how to talk to God and how to hear from Him, my relationship with Him...I can't say enough. It's a long study though - 12 weeks' worth of 5 lessons per week, so likely I'll redo it on my own when we're done. What a blessing it is. Feeding my body healthfully with food and exercise, and my spirit with the Word of God. Yay!