But I am on track! Counting housework as my exercise, I am still sleepy, still behind on sleep. When you have insomnia, and you finally sleep good, 7-8-9 hours just doesn't cut it. At least not for me. So I'm very very tired. Plus I'm working 3 jobs now...at the same time, in the same work day. Praying that pays off sooner than later.

I got a headstart and finished my bible study unit, now to get the kids settled after breakfast and train for work!

I do notice that I need to stay on top of my water instead of playing catch up at the end of the day. Being so busy I forget til mealtime and then i fill up on water and barely eat, so I'm hungry an hour later lol. A vicious cycle. I think I'll set some water reminders on the water app I use to keep track. 128 ounces is a lot!

My ZipFizz vitamin energy supplement should be here today, I'm so excited. I really pray it helps me.

And no I still have not weighed. I'm scared my weight loss won't be as much for the mere reason that the body produes excess cortisol when it doesn't get the sleep it needs to heal itself. I don't know of anything I can do to reduce that. Besides sleep. And I already try to sleep lol. toss and turn all night. I used to take noxitropin pm and that worked wonders for the longest time. But it quit working for some reason. Might have to give that another try.