Yes I believe he would approve of my roasted veggie frenzy. Got all my cooking done! I made the simplest sauce ever that is so good on - well - everything:

roast: 1 cup of baby carrots, 3 red bell peppers, 1 yellow onion, and blend it up with a cup of water, roasted garlic and salt and pepper to taste (i use NU Salt actually). And WOW. SO good. Yes. I'm like wowzers. Plus, i roasted my summer squash up because just steaming it didn't really wake up any flavors in it. I heart roasting my veggies. I would have never dreamed veggies could be this delicious, and i could make up my own veggie sauce with so little...and it taste so good.  And I enjoy it on top of my brown rice if you can believe that. It is so delish. Yum.

Plus I steamed my cabbage, not really much to do with it other than cabbage rolls but those aren't on the menu. I am one of the weird ones that actually loves cabbage, but the wafting scent that emits from me soon after isn't so great. So i try to be considerate to my fellow man, and not eat it regularly. But I am going to enjoy it, so steer clear!

Now to wash all the dishes. It sure is nice to not have to cook every single meal every day.