I did it! Down 4% in 15 days! Without doing anything stupid, eating or not eating thing crazy... Just by eating often...

One of my biggest issues is I forget to eat... So you'd think I'd be super skinny... However because of the way my system works it's the exact opposite... Pretty much I'm built to survive the next apocalypse ha. Years of working through lunch, forgetting to have breakfast and usually a larger dinner at like 6 and not eating rest of the day helped me end up here. 


So what did I do differently the last 16 days? I ate... I ate more than I think I have in ages... I even ate pasta, potatoes, oh so much pasta... 

However, serving sizes were all appropriate. I ate about every 2-4 hours. I cooked hints I never took the time to do and well even indulge once in awhile with Arby's and even some pizza...


All foods I avoided before... The difference now is 1) I'm happy with myself big or small... I know losing weight won't make me happier, I'm already happy... Trust me I've been skinny and miserable... I knew I wouldn't lose my weight till I knew it didn't impact my happiness. I refuse to be that girl I was 70lbs lighter who was Soooooooooooo embarrassed about how fat she was n the picture she took after running a marathon... Seriously wtf was wrong with me? Heck I post full body pics now. Do I go wow I'm big? Yes.. Yes I do....mod I go into a crazy tailspin that skinny me did no... Why... Because I like myself now.

2) I know I need to eat often... My doctor wasn't lying... He said I don't care what you eat... Just eat every 2-3 hours... Food is not the enemy


3) I realized food isn't the enemy... I know I just said that but it's worth saying again... So what I had Mickey Waffles on Saturday! I still met my goal. I'm not going to feel shitty about eating something, BUT I'm not going to do it mindlessly either... Eating every 2-3 hours doesn't mean eating FOR 2-3 hours