Woke up feeling much better than I did yesterday. Not so much burning but still most definitely sick. I think I just might - MIGHT - be able to do a full dvd today. I hope so. Got some much needed rest last night, didn't toss and turn near as much, and I so needed that sleep. Sleep is so important when you're sick. Some people get sick and they just go-go-go, they never stop, and they don't stay sick long - their bodies are just made to tough it out. And others - like me ~COUGH!~ - have to really take care not to push it, and get the rest because if I do push it I feel so much worse and am sick for so much longer. I wonder if that will change once my body isn't so sick with this fat. I would imagine being overweight and carrying around all these unhealthy cells in my body has something to do with that - recovery, health, immunity, all that. It could all be connected. And I know we are all different, but I can say that since I've started gaining weight my illnesses have gotten worse, and lasted longer, than they did when i was not overweight.

Same with my acid reflux. I got diagnosed with that during a time I was overweight, and stressed - not a good combo for stomach ailments. I wonder if that will go away once I drop the weight.

I imagine a lot of good benefits are in store for me...let's see if I can name a few.

- I'll be able to run more like I want to. Move without tiring so quickly.

- I won't be having to choose clothes that don't highlight my rolls, and instead I can pick clothes like I used to - for how cute they are and how much I love the style of them.

- i will be confident in how i look and not ashamed and self conscious.

- I will have more energy from not having to use it all up lugging around all this extra poundage and just being healthier overall.

- I will be able to enjoy playing with my kids more, from easier movement and all.

- I won't feel like I'm being stared at everywhere I go.

- Maybe my shoe size will go down lol...some people who lose weight also go down in their shoe size.

- I won't have cracked heels anymore, and won't have scrub and shave and saw off my dead skin on my feet from their being abused in supporting all my extra weight.

- I won't be near as much risk for heart issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, an early grave. I mean, we all have to go to the other side of the fence at some point, but I don't want to contribute to that timing through my own slow suicide with a fork.

- I want to set a good example for my kids in how they should eat and take care of their bodies.

- I'll be able to sleep better, instead of having to wake up just to change positions from all the effort to move around my heavy body.

- My furniture won't wear out as easily or quickly because it's getting smushed so much more from my being overweight than when I will be skinny.

That's a lot! I bet I could think of more but that's a good start. Yep. Good way to start the day. Ready for day 4!