you got me sweating and I just keep walkin! sing it with me!

Yes another day, day 4 done, with Miss Leslie. And boy this walk made me sweat. I love feeling my body flush with heat as I add intensity, it's like a surge just shooting through me from head to toe. It's so cool isn't it? Imagine my fat burning furnace firing up. Awesome.

And what's also cool, is I was able to finish the whole dvd this time! Yes I did, finished it yay! Of course now that I've stopped, and I'm sitting, my sinuses are all messed up now - they are like girl what are you doing here lol. Sneezing too. Oy. Really really proud I finished it today, kinda makes up for yesterday. I was all kinds of sickly yesterday. Still sick today, but a little better. :)

Now to prepare for my bible study tonight, I just need to do the last lesson then I'll be set. I try to cram my lunch, my workout and my time with the Lord during the kids' naps lol. Busy girl here!

Also stayed on track with my eating, and it's just 4pm and I'm almost to 128 ounces of water. Whaaaaaaaaaat? Yep. Drink drink drink (insert fishy face here) Exceptionally thirsty today. But that's good right - flush out all these germies! Yes! Can't wait to be 100 percent. But I have to say I am so so proud of myself for still doing cardio even though my body is so not feeling it. First ever in my life to do cardio while sick. Awesome!