I started doing Zombie Run! 5k training program in October. I just finished Week 5 of 8 and could not be more proud of myself. I've hit a point in my training where I can control my breathing and feel like I could run more and more if I just push myself. The biggest challenge is not overdoing it. If I run everyday my knee joints cant handle it, so I need to pace myself. Completing my training 3 times a week leaves me feeling energized and motivated to do more. In Week 1, I could barely get to 2k and was gasping for breath by the end of it. Now I'm almost to 8k and keep a pretty steady pace. I feel like the final full 5k run will be a piece of cake!

The frustrating thing is the reaction my body is having to running. My weight is not going down as fast as I would like it to and it's affecting my current Dietbet10. This week I'll lose the weigh in by just 1kg. It's incredibly frustrating, but I'm writing this to remind myself that I AM seeing improvements in other ways. 

  • The gym scale gives you a full body analysis: I lost 1 cm around my neck, 2cm around my waist, a couple more around my chest and arms. My BMI is down, my fat % is down, and i'm maintaining my muscle %. 

  • I AM losing weight. I'm still down from when I weighed in for Round 2 of the newest Dietbet10. 
  • I have tons of energy and my body feels stronger. My clothes fit better. My confidence is increasing.

  • For the most part, I'm sticking to my My Fitness Pal daily calorie goals. Room for improvement here, but I'm motivated to start tightening up this area!

So, quit stressing out, self! I know it's a journey, not a walk in the park. I just have to stay focused and not worry if I dont meet my weigh 55kg by April 2015 goal of being a supermodel (haha!). That number and time frame was just a guideline to get me started. As long as I keep up my journey to be fit and active, it doesn't matter where my weight ends or when it happens. I just have to remember that I'm not doing this for a short term diet. I want this to be my new lifestyle! I will make this my new lifestyle!