Okie dokie. It is week 2 officially. No weigh ins this week til Saturday, and no measuring til Saturday either. Just effort. My sleep is really lacking, my mind just goes in a thousand different directions and I don't know how to shut it off. I almost feel like researching that is pointless because I've looked into it so many times and feel I've heard and tried it all.... but the part of me that believes there is a fix for everything in life refuses to give up. Sooooo...yes I will look again hoping to find that certain something that finally works for me.

It sure feels like I have a lot on my plate, so I see better time management on the horizon. I desire more time alone with the Lord. I am also doing some things from home now for a couple of companies to bring in more income to contribute. Plus taking care of the kids full time. And taking care of my family. And errands and cleaning and housework. It never ends, does it? I think once I get my feet wet in my new ventures, things will iron themselves out and it won't be so looming.

I had a lot of housework to do yesterday, it is really obvious now that I am the only one here that cleans up the whole place, without being asked or bribed. But I guess it is okay because I need the exercise. That stood in for my workout yesterday, and yes I broke a sweat. Cleaning! Who would have thought. i don't count that every day, but when my daughter comes the house really gets bad. I don't know why.

I think I'll have congestion for another few days or so. But the rest of me is okay. Once I get some sleep I'll be a lot better.

Ready for week 2!