Yesterday was an active, productive, low calorie day for me until it got to "What's for dinner?".  My boyfriend and I chose our old favorite burger joint because it had been a while since we had been there and since I had rewarded myself.  There are so many burger options there: bunless or gluten free bun, omit burger for salmon, chicken or veggie pattie but NOPE, I chose not to.  I instead ordered a Hawaiian burger (with the works) because it used to be my most favorite burger in the world and I wanted to kill the craving.  Keywords: "Used to be".  I somehow had forgotten that I'm no longer the old "Me".  So as I was choking halfway down through this greasy, unhealthy choice of a mess, my boyfriend asks from across the table "Is it still the best burger that you've ever had?".  Nope.  It wasn't.  And in that moment, I put the burger down and decided that dinner was over.  

Why eat something that doesn't even taste that good?  It's just not worth it.  After steppng on the scale this morning, I'm regretting my dinner decisions last night but also very glad that it happened and will be thinking about my "Burger Incident" while we are out of town visiting (& eating) with our family and friends this week for Thanksgiving.  I will remember that if it doesn't taste good, don't eat it!

This Month's Choices = Next Month's Body!