I had big plans for Thanksgiving - stay within calorie goals, severely limit alcohol intake, work out every day. Don't you just love ambition? Of course it mostly went to crap once I got to my mom's and the yummy beers made their first appearance. I will say this - while I didn't stay within my calorie goals, I didn't drink too much and didn't overly stuff myself. I only had small pieces of pie and one helping of stuffing. I also worked out every single day! That is partially due to a pact I made with my friends Emily and Beth to run one mile every day between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's difficult because I have to do it on top of other workouts I have planned, but it's also been a great motivator. I worked out once with my Mom (we did T25) and that was so fun!

While I didn't meet my goals, I am going to focus on the good things I accomplished and make sure I recognize the week after Thanksgiving, or the holiday I like to call Back on Tracksgiving.

Back on Tracksgiving is about reaffirming your personal goals and taking the time to plan how to move forward without guilt. An important part about the holiday is to not starve yourself to make up for the bad things you ate or feel so guilty that you continue the cycle of overeating. You should give your body time to digest so that you can be ready to exercise at full strength. So in celebration today I rested for most of the day, drank lots of water, and planned my food and exercise for the week. I didn't do a big caloric cut but I stayed within my calorie goals **mega-big gold stars**! I also ran 2 miles (Day 4!) and then did some ab work. Honestly, the renewed running has made me very tired so I'm going to have to ensure I don't injure myself. Note to self: STRETCH.

Tomorrow I'll weigh myself again. I'll be back to eating within my calories. And I'm going to focus on keeping my stress levels low by getting my work done, getting good sleep, and meditating daily.

Right now I'm drinking some herbal tea before bed, which is one of my tactics to keep myself from eating out of boredom or stress. It's almost zero degrees here so it doubles as a hand warmer. :)

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are feeling motivated to continue the challenge. Happy Back on Tracksgiving!