Tuesday was fairly uneventful, except for my beloved Syracuse Orange falling to Michigan :(.  I should have met up with the group and ridden in the morning, but my workout was a recovery 45-minute easy spin, and if I met up with everyone it would have turned into at least an a 1:15 episode, so I figured sleep in and do it on my bike trainer at night.  But...instead I made this lovely cranberry sauce.  I'll make the ride up on Thursday.  Lesson learned: always do your workout in the morning! (I'm going to swim right after I write this blog!)

I'm nervous about my race this weekend in Key West.  It'll be my first time triathlon racing since July 2013 (my last Ironman), and it's a sprint distance event, the shortest of all the distances.  I think it's an 800 meter swim, 12 mile bike and 3.1 mile run.  That distance hurts because it's so short.  You're going full throttle all the time.  My full throttle, at age 36 +20 lbs, isn't what it used to be.  

I raced the 10K Turkey Trot here in Miami last Thursday, and came out with a somewhat respectable 52:3ish finish time.  I was hoping to be in the 50 minute range, so a bit above goal.  It wasn't what I was expecting or hoping for, which compounds my anxiety for KW.  I have my weekly call with my coach today, so I'm sure we'll talk through some of this.

My food yesterday looked like:

Wake-up: Bulletproof coffee

Breakfast: 3 egg muffins with spinach, mushrooms and sweet potatoes

Snackie: Macademia nuts (I had these too close to lunch because I wasn't hungry for awhile after that)

Lunch: Silky Gingered Zucchini Soup.  YUMMO!  Loved this.  I just had a cup around 1:45 because I wasn't hungry.

Snack: Small handful of almonds, raisins and sunflower seeds

Dinner: Chicken wings, mashed potatoes, Everyday Paleo Stuffing.  Had a slice of Everyday Paleo pumpkin pie for dessert (guess my appetite came back)  I made the turkey that goes with those recipes this weekend as well, so I have a bunch of that in the fridge.  I'll work my way through some of it, but will probably freeze most, or make turkey soup next week.

The chicken wings and mashed potatoes weren't totally cool with what I'm trying to do, but they weren't horrible either.  Of all the choices I could have made, they weren't the worst.  Small win, I suppose.