Back to reality today!  Nothing too exciting, to be honest.  Oh - except!!  I passed a huge milestone in my swimming this morning.  I've been trying for years to break 3 minutes in my 200 yard time trial, and today I did!  I did a 2:52, so I crusted it. SOOOO excited!  I think it's probably because I'm so well rested that I was able to do it, but I'll take it.  My last time trial, about four weeks ago, was 3:03, so a big increase from that as well.

Work was kind of boring today, but on my way home I finally got to pick up my Garmin 920xt, which I ordered 2 months ago.  I took it for a run this evening, and I have some much tinkering to do with it.  It's such a powerful little watch; I hope I can do it justice.  It'll be awhile before I figure it all out.

Food was pretty good today, I had my first cerviche!  I had an appointment at lunchtime and a My Cerviche restaurant was right below it, so I tried it out.  I had a shrimp one, with coconut lime sauce.  It was really good!  I was afraid I'd be hungry 10 minutes after it, but I wasn' was a good two hours before I got hungry. :)

Food today:

Breakfast: My trusty old Bulletproof coffee

Swim: about 35 minutes actual worktime (1 hour in the pool)

Smoothie: Almond milk, apple, kale, maca powder, gelatin, coconut butter (homemade) and cinnamon.  

Breakfast: NEW egg muffins (egg, spinach, mushrooms and an orange pepper), chicken sausage

Snack: Coconut Almond ball

Lunch: Shrimp Cerviche (I had the salad, not the rice or quinoa)

Snack: Packet of cashew butter

Dinner: Turkey burger with avocado and goat cheese, zucchini soup

I feel very satisifed with my food and my day overall.  Time to catch-up on the Newsroom from last night!