Tomorrow is my first tri race in a year and a half...OMG!!  I'm nervous that I've forgotten how to do transition, how to sight in open water and how to ride and run aggressively, but under control.  I don't have too much experience with this particular race distance, the Sprint distance, as I think I've only done one race like this before (I'm a glutton for punishment...I like the long stuff!).  This distance is rough because (pardon the language), it's balls to the wall the whole time.  The entire race will only last about an hour and 20-30 minutes, so you're moving the entire time.  It's a lot of time at a high heart rate.  Tonight I really need to get together a race strategy and do some visualization for how I want things to go down tomorrow.

I packed most everything up last night and will load the car today.  I'm hoping to get there in time to do a quick warm-up on the course, and particularly to test out my brand new wetsuit!  I just got a Blue Seventy Helix suit yesterday and I'm so excited about it.  It's by far the fanciest wetsuit I've ever had, and I hope I do it justice this weekend.  I got a good deal on it, plus TriSports was offering 30% off that last week.  Normally, that suit sells for $700, but I got it for less than half that.  Score!!  It will last a LONG time, so I don't mind spending a little more.  My old Blue Seventy suit is still going strong, too.

Food wise, I'm not sure what's going to happen this weekend.  The hotel I'm staying at does not have a fridge or microwave (total bummer).  I think I do need to start paying more attention to portion sizes, as I feel like I might be overeating, particularly this week.  Usually, my training volume is around 9-10 hours a week, and this week it's been barely five, and I haven't really adjusted my eating to compensate for it.  I've noticed that especially when I run, my appetite is a stronger, so that might mean that I need more carbs after I work out to replenish what I lost.  I'll start experimenting with it next week.

Is it bad that I want to bring my blender with me to Key West?  I love it, and I love the bulletproof coffee and post-race smoothie I could make with it.

Yesterday was an ok day for food, although I think I splurged a bit on the gluten free pizza at the end of the day.  I was watching Peter Pan and there was some mindless eating going on.  It's good that now I'm aware of it...wish that was the case yesterday!  I also think I need more fat in my lunches; I need to find some recipes that are more fat-based rather than veggie/carb based.  Too bad, because I'm totally in a soup mood lately and most soups are carby.

Log for yesterday:

Wake up 5:30ish, Bulletproof coffee.  I make mine with organic beans from Whole Foods, a tablespoon (or two) of homemade ghee, a tablespoon of MCT oil and a few drops of vanilla stevia.

30' run (HR was a little higher than it should have been, but it was humid...gotta love Miami in December!)

Egg muffins (last ones!) with spinach, sweet potato and mushrooms, Coconut Almond butter ball right after because I was still hungry

GoMacro bar (I think the Apple and Walnut one) around 11:15.  I gotta figure this 11 am snack thing out.  It ruins my lunch time.  I either need to power through it or eat more at breakfast.

Lunch was the Stuffed Delicata Squash (without the eggs) with a cup of Zucchini Soup

Snack was some granola

Mani/Pedi for this weekend's trip, so dinner was late, after 8 pm

Dinner was a gluten free pepperoni pizza (frozen...can't find a link anywhere, sorry!)

Have a great weekend everyone!