I started working out regularly on July 13.  I made a promise to myself not to skip a workout if I could help it.  I mean, it would have to take an emergency room visit to stop me.  I also make sure not to eat after 7 pm. 

I take one day off a week and make sure to Walk Away the Pounds with Leslie Sansone the rest of the week.  I've been able to work up to the 3 mile express walk. My energy has improved, I'm sleeping better, and my clothes are fitting better.  In fact, I'm wearing pants I haven't been able to wear in a year.  My tops are still the same size but they are fitting better.  The smaller belly is making the tops fall better on my frame.

I'm tracking my activity with my Up band and my food with My Fitness Pal. It's been a real eye opener to see my day all charted out for me with the Up and My Fitness Pal apps.  I love the tips and the praises that the apps give when I meet my goals or I do something right.  I didn't realize how motivating those little encouragements could be.  :)

Now for the kicker.  I was steadily losing weight and now the scale won't budge. It's been 3 days of no change. It's frustrating me to no end. However, I know something is happening because my clothes are fitting better. My boyfriend even mentioned that I was looking great before I left for work this morning. That helped me feel a little better. 

I can only guess that things are shifting in my body.  I know muscle weighs more than fat so maybe as I'm losing fat the muscle is gaining.  That might explain the scale issue.  I also don't lose weight in one area right away.  I'm  an all over loser so it's hard for me to look in the mirror and see a difference in myself. My clothes are the best indicator for me when my tops and pants fit a little better over all. I don't get to experience the "I went down 2 pant sizes in 2 weeks!" pose with the extra waist held away from my body.  Instead I see my rings fit better and my shoes get looser.  Not too exciting. 

I've been told before to take measurements. However, have you ever tried to measure yourself accurately? I know I don't always get the tape measure in the same place so my numbers are always off. Plus, I get so upset with myself when I can't get the measurements just right.  The perfectionist in me goes crazy.  For me, it's better to see the scale go down.  

I plan to keep doing what I'm doing and hoping for the best.  I'm making sure to not under eat and to work out 6 days a week.  I just hope to see a change in the scale soon. My psyche could really use the boost.

I hate my scale.  It's gone to the dark side.  I see it as the enemy and a tool of evil right now. Perhaps I need to douse it with some holy water and burn a smudge stick. 
