My plateau finally came to end.  I got on the scale yesterday and the numbers moved in the right direction.  It was only .6 pounds but I'll take it.  That's a win in my book. 

I'm so happy that I stuck with it and didn't give up.  

I made a decision to add another workout. I'm still doing my Walk Away the Pounds every day.  Leslie is a great motivator for me.  I'm starting the Slim in 6 series. I think a little strength training might help keep the pounds running away. 

So I started yesterday with the first part "Start it up!"  Omg, I couldn't get through the half hour workout.  I kept having to go to a walk when I started to shake from the muscle fatigue.  I didn't want to push it and hurt myself. I know that I'm out of shape.  I've only been working out regularly for a few weeks now. But, Debbie put it all into perspective with her squats and lunges.  I felt like hippo trying to perform Swan Lake. I didn't feel like i got a good workout since i could barely get through all of the excercises. I wanted to just quit and give up. But I remembered what Leslie Sansone said. Fat is just stored energy and I need to keep moving to burn it up. So after what I felt like was a major fail at Slim in 6, I popped in Leslie and did a quick 2 mile walk.  I felt much better afterward and like I accomplished something. My mood elevated after that. 

This morning, I got up and my legs and butt felt like one big bruise. I guess the Slim in Six workout was more effective than I originally thought even though I did a lot of walking through it. With that in mind, I did "Start it Up!" again this morning.  I got through it today with some modifications. I was cursing Debbie's ancestors every time my sore butt and legs screamed at me.  I have I feeling that I may be on that initial workout for more than the suggested one week.  But I understand that I need to go at the pace that my body needs and I will keep listening to what it has to tell me. 

I was only able to do about 1.5 miles of Walk Away the Pounds after Slim 6 today but I had to have my time with Leslie.  :)

I'll keep moving forward for now.  One day at a time right? I don't think I'll weigh myself again until next Friday.  I don't want those scale numbers to discourage me again. 

I need to to go buy some new cross fit shoes today.  I hope the shoe store people don't laugh at me as they see me limp into the store today. I still feel like one big bruise. Now if I can just get up out of this chair.