Day 11 on this journey and I'm 5lbs from my 4%. I thought losing 12lbs in 4 weeks was going to be impossible and look I'm already down 7lbs. That should motivate me to contuinue on and work harder for those last 5. But here let me tell you the truth. 

I haven't been to kickboxing since we've started, why? I have no time. Yet here I am doubting that excuse do I really not have time or am I lacking the ability to schedule things right and not going to get my ass kicked? I've worked out at total of 2 times in the past 11 days. TWO TIMES that isn't right that should be like 8 times instead or something but it's not. Time after time I find an excuse to blow off the gym. When in reality my body is yelling for me to go workout. I can be at total bitch at times and i don't have control over it, I think its that i'm in a rut but then again it's my fault I'm in it.

The other day i was sititng in my car thinking I need to lose 110lbs minimum to be considered healthy. I cried a little not because it was too much weight but because it got me thinking. I see posts on Instagram of women who lose that about of weight or that lose 50lbs within a few months...and you know how but working there butts of. Hitting the gym and eating clean. I can do it right but I dont. Then I started to beat myself up by thinking: "Do I not love myself enough? Do I not care about my health? Do I like being so fat?" It's like why don't I motivate myself and lose the weight already like I love my body even though it's so huge and mostly fat. Yes I'm self conscious as heck but I love myself and thank it for taking me where it does everyday. I don't want to have a heart attack or get sick from diabetes because then who will care fore me? My parents and I don't want to put that weight on their shoulders. I hate being fat, I hate it. I don't like that I can't fit into regular jeans and that all the cute clothes isn't in my size and ify I do find something cute its at Torrid where a blouse is like $50 and I don't have that kind of money. 


Yet all that and look I'm still 280+, I did workout this morning and was going to go to kickboxing tonight but I've got family in town for 1 more night so I'm spending it with them. But that's no excuse, I started my day off right with my workout so when I get home (doesn't matter what time) I'm going to workout again. I'm going to lose those 5lbs by the new year and then I'm going to go and lose the 110 pound that I need to!