For the past 4 days all I can think about are cheeseburgers and fries.
I wake up in the morning and that's what I think about.
I make my protein shake for breakfast and image it's just that.
I go to work and have 2nd breakfast and all that comes into my head is cheeseburger.
I eat my salad lunch and wish it was a greasy, cheesey burger.
I drive home from work and want to stop at any and all locations that sell burgers.
I get home and open my freezer hoping I'll let myself eat a burger.

This is what I dream of all day.
But each time I think of that burger I also think about me.
Is it worth it for me to cheat on my diet and eat this?
How much cardio do I have to do to make up for it?

I've given myself cheat days and cheat meals.
I do reward myself but now it's not with food.
I've learned that food isn't what makes me happy... I am.

Stay strong friends. We can do this!