So I realize that most of the losing of weight (for me at least) is a head game. I have yo-yoed in my weight since high school. After HS I stopped playing sports all year round but I kept eating like I did. I'm sure this is an issue with a lot of former athletes. Anyway, I'd be "good" for a few months and then binge out like a crazy person and gain all my weight back. The worst part was the reason I would binge is because people started to notice my weight loss. Whenever someone would say "Wow Kelly you look really good." I'd stop. In my head I'd say okay lost enough I can do whatever I want now. The other day I told my sister this and now (with my permission) she tells me how fat I look. I've lost over 30lbs- still not where I want to be but a good start. Anyway I need for her to tell me I'm fat. Tell me that I don't look any different because if she starts to tell me I look good I'm afraid I'll stop.

The past 2 weeks have been extremeley hard for me. I feel like all I want to do is eat junk food. So instead of binging on it. I've allowed myself a little bit of leway. If I don't allow myself to treat myself then I'll end up going crazy. So I haven't been strict this week. The funny thing is this week more people than ever have told me I look good. So I needed my sister to tell me I'm fat so that I jump right back into the strict diet on Monday.

Sorry for the long winded post. Thanks to anyone who read it.

Happy Thursday! :)