I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, and that you're all having a nice relaxing Boxing Day.

Managed to get the sickness bug two days before, and despite being in the recovery phase of soup and rice cakes, did manage to pick away at a Christmas dinner. My poor husband was in the process of coming down with it so we've been propping each other up.

Despite all that, I'm feeling pretty good about New Year. I've had some of the best gym attendance in the last couple of months, and from my highest weight of 83kg am sitting somewhere around 75. My health has been a lot better (contagious stomach-bugs notwithstanding), and I'm feeling pretty positive about keeping it up over the rest of the winter period.

My main aim with all the Dietbet stuff has really been to get my BMI (and bodyfat%) into the middle range (and improve my fitness), and so far I am achieving it. I seem to be able to maintain my longterm focus if I have a little downtime when I need it (although you can see it does cause my chart to fluctuate quite a lot), however if the general trend is downwards, I don't really care.

All the best for the coming year, and hope it gives you much health and happiness!