I'm back home after a week visiting family. My parents are now visiting me, so there are still plenty of diet challenges, but it's much easier to navigate them when I have access to my kitchen and my gym!

I stepped on my home scale this morning for the first time in a week. Last week my official weigh-in was 159.4, though that wasn't completely accurate - I had to resubmit my numbers three times, and the third time was after lunch. Plus, I'd eaten out a few days earlier and really splurged on a delicious Italian meal. My weigh in the week before had been 157.2. Today to my shock and surprise my scale read 156.8! I consider that a loss of .4 pounds - not a big loss, but a loss after being away from home for a week, eating Christmas cookies, etc. I'll take it!

Today I hit the gym for a good 50-minute cardio session. Then my parents and I went out to a Chinese restaurant for lunch. We all took home leftovers for dinner. I'm focusing on enjoying time with family, eating food that tastes great, eating when I'm hungry and stopping when I'm satisfied, and getting in a good workout each day!

I've got 19 days left in Round 2 of my Diet Bet. I expected Round 2 to be tough because of the holidays (Christmas, New Year's, and my birthday), time with family, and eating out frequently. I also expected it to be tough because I lost a fair amount of weight in Round 1 (6 pounds) which is unusual for me. It brought me to 157 pounds, a weight that I've reached many times only to bounce back up into the 160's. I wasn't sure I'd have the commitment to stick to the routine; I wasn't sure my metabolism would keep losing at the pace I need to meet my Diet Bet goal. At this point, Round 2 is going better than I expected. I might make goal, I might not. Either way, I'm feeling motivated; the scale is moving in the right direction and it isn't the end of the world if I don't make goal this round anyway. BUT - I'd sure like to! :-)