Good Morning to all my fellow DietBetters,


This coming Monday, 7/28, I will have been in Ketosis for 6 weeks. My energy is up, I am feeling better, and I am starting to sleep better. The past week I have began to experiment with eating out, and making choices outside of the food that I cook and have yet to drop out of Ketosis. Now obviously we aren't talking about fast food. I haven't had a craving for fast food in a 3 or 4 weeks. 

I have added some other helpful items to my daily routine as well. I take a couple supplements to help ensure hydration, specifically Potassium Gluconate and Magnesium. Any reputable brand will do on these. Unfortunately, the potassium supplement only gives you 99mg or 3% of what is recommended but it helps.

I also drink three cups of green tea every day. The first I enjoy is Smooth Move to help aid digestion and to keep things well... moving. The second is Everyday Detox to help with healthy liver function. The liver is what is doing the work in Ketone production so proper function is very important. Finally, I just enjoy a hot cup of Lipton Orange Jasmine Passionfruit Green Tea. It just tastes good!


On another note, doing more than just cardio in the gym! I am working on not just strength training but strength endurance. I doesn't matter to me how much I can lift in the gym if I am tuckered out after 5 minutes in a real life situation. My current routing follows a "very low rep / high set / heavy weight / low rest period" scheme. I have to workouts, day 1 and day 2. I alternate them working out three days a week, on T/TH/S schedule and I do the elliptical for an hour, ensuring I keep my heart rate in the fat burn zone for my age and weight on M/W/F. 

Day 1:

Barbell Clean and Press - 15 sets of 2 reps with 60sec rest in between

Chin up - 15 sets of 2 reps with 60sec rest in between (these are on the assist machine while my weight is high)

Barbell Bench Press - 10 sets of 2 reps with 60sec rest in between

Barbell Deadlift - 10 sets of 2 reps with 30sec rest in between

Crunches - Many (I do 2 sets of 30 reps, gets a very good burn with 60 secs in between)

Day 2:

Dips - 20 sets of 3 reps with 60sec rest in between (these are on the assist machine while my weight is high)

Leg Press Machine - 20 sets of 2 reps with 60sec rest in between

Barbell Bent Over Two Arm Row - 12 sets of 2 reps with 60sec rest in between

Barbell Standing Press Behind - 6 sets of 4 reps with 60sec rest in between

Reverse Crunches - Many (I do 2 sets of 30 reps, gets a very good burn with 60 secs in between)


The idea here is firstly to find a weight were you can struggle to complete what is listed with 60 secs of rest. Once you can, then the next workout move to 45 sec of rest. Then to 30 sec, then to 15 secs. When you can complete the exercises with 15 secs then it is time to increase the weight and start at 60 secs again.