Happy New Year everyone!!  I do not normally make any explicit  resolutions on the first day of the new year because my goals are always the same: to lose weight!  This has been my resolution ever since middle school which was a long long time ago, well before the internet age to say the least; let's just say for those of you in the know, feathers and wings were the ultimate hairstyles during this time in my life!!

Of course I never really had an action plan nor does my resolve last very long but my goal stays the same.  There have been some years where I did achieve some moderate success, but most years, I at best maintain my weight and often have put on weight. 

This year is different.  I feel much more confident in achieving my goal because apparently the key for me is putting skin into the game ($$) and having a little friendly competition (I hate losing games!!).  Also, just thinking about weight loss as a game has helped a lot.  Even though losing weight can be a very serious matter for many if not most of us (my family has a history of both heart disease and diabetes), this fact only made it more frustrating and elusive for me.  By thinking of losing weight as a game, I actually enjoy the process much more and find it to be much more achievable.  I am also discovering a lot about my eating habits which is helping me to understand how and why I put on the weight in the first place.  It is not enough to know what food is healthy; I am fairly sure most of us long-time dietters could have PhDs in our knowledge of food.  For me, it is the strategies I have developed and continue to develop for myself to handle the constant curve balls that Life throws at me.

I discovered Dietbet in June 2014 and now at the beginning of 2015, I am well on my way to achieving my very very long time goal.  So here's to 2015 and to Dietbet.  Let this be the last year that my goal is to lose weight.  Next year the goal will be to maintain my ideal weight!!!