Originally posted to Blogger on January 2, 2015 at 11:45 AM.

Welcome to the second day of the new year! It's hard to believe it is already 2015 and I have less than one year left in Hanoi. My next DietBet challenge starts on January 7th so I have begun ramping up my plans for my New Laura challenge. Yesterday, a friend and I went to a local gym called California Fitness to check out the group classes. The gym is ostentatious and looks like something a celebrity should be working out at, but we got a hell of a dear for memberships lasting us the remainder of our tours here, so it works out in the long run. I even tried my first spin class and believe it or not, I loved it! It'll take me some time to get used to the seat (ouch!) but it was actually rather humorous, taking a class all in Vietnamese. We're heading back for another spin class tomorrow morning.

Today everyone went back to work, but I opted to take the day off and get some work done around the apartment. I managed to sleep in, which was a real treat after spending much of New Years Day in a fog, and then went to one of the local grocery stores to pick up some food. I don't really keep much food stocked in my apartment since I am so busy at work and socially these days, which really puts me in a bind with my eating habits. A big part of my plan is to always have nutritious options available at home so I am not caught in a bind, starving after a hard day at work and just ordering a pizza all to myself because it's easy. I picked up lots of veggies, some fruit and other odds and ends, and then came home and made myself some healthy egg and veggie muffins with potatoes, green and red peppers, onions, and garlic. Delicious!

Today I even managed to make it down to the gym here in my apartment building and finish up W1D2 of the C25K app. Back before I broke my wrist in September, I had a pretty good workout regimen in place, working out four days a week - two yoga, two cardio. I am trying to get back into that sort of head space. So far, I'm feeling really good about it!

I know I said last time that I was going to work on my list of "why's", but truth be told I think that list is constantly evolving, just like everything else in my lifestyle. I have a lot of reasons for why I want to be healthy. It comes from being as basic as wanting to feel stronger, move quicker, and not get as winded on the 3 flights of stairs to my office, all the way through wanting to be able to shop in the same section of clothing as my best friend when I go home on home leave next winter. I want to not be embarrassed by my body when someone is holding me, and be able to sit on someone's lap if I want to without being afraid of hurting them. I want to feel good in my clothes, and in pictures. So many reasons, really. I guess that's one of the topics that I will keep bringing up as time goes on - the why's, and how they change.

In one piece of random good news - I did my first handstand today since breaking my wrist in September! Woohoo! I am going to keep working on that.

I suppose that's all for now. I did my first of the year measurements yesterday and I guess I'll do a weekly posting on here of them, just to keep myself accountable on all fronts.

Inches: 285.12

That's all for now!