One week down in 2015! I have a lot to look forward to in the coming days. More specifically, next Monday, I receive a list of possible locations for my next overseas post! I absolutely cannot wait to see what sort of potential the future has in store for me. With less than one year left in Hanoi, I'm very anxious to know where my passport is taking me for 2016-2018.

On the lifestyle front, I have really been rocking the first week of the new year. I have worked out all but one day thus far for at least 30 minutes, and have done different workouts to keep the momentum going and keep things interesting. I've taken a few spinning classes, worked on my C25K on the treadmill, and gotten back into some lifting. I'm looking forward to trying a Zumba class, hopefully this weekend. On top of that, I have eliminated soda from my diet and am surprisingly not feeling the usual withdrawals that I have in the past!

My diet has also improved drastically. I am mostly eating well but will sometimes enjoy a sweet in moderation. A Dunkin Donuts opened in Hanoi this week so yesterday, I treated myself to 3 chocolate glazed munchkins. Mmmm, a taste of America! This weekend will prove a struggle - on Sunday, we are having a "Fakesgiving" farewell for a good friend of ours who is departing post, with a full turkey and ham meal with all of the trimmings. I'll be showing up with my food scale in tow, and have already planned an extra spinning class just for this occassion!

This morning I also took my second round of measurements for the year and am happy to report that, since the beginning of the year, I have lost 5.13" off of my body overall. Woohoo! I love seeing the results on the scale, but I love seeing those inches come off even more.

I suppose that's all for now! I'm so looking forward to successfully completing Round 1 of this DietBet!