I'm pretty damn determined that I will be thin and fit at 40!


I started back at the gym In October after breaking my ribs at roller derby in August and I already feel better for it. Although I have a long way to go I'm fitter than I was and I sleep so much better at night. I really just need to get control of the eating and thats why I decided to join this dietbet challenge. 


Week 1 has gone well so far. I'm weighing every 4 days and yesterday my weight was down 3lbs! 

I've been having 3 healthy homemade meals a day and I've even been out for lunch a couple of times but have tried to still eat as healthily as I could. 

Breakfasts: scrambled eggs or peanut butter on toast

Lunch: noodle soups or pasta

Tea: Chicken, pasta and veg

I've been going to the gym all week and have so far done

Mon: Group PT- Weights circuit, deadlifted 60kg, bench press 40kg

Tues: Kettlebells

Wed: Metabolic Meltdown, Roller derby

Thurs: Boxfit (my favourite)

and tonight (Friday) it's Group PT and yoga before scrims (a roller derby practise bout)

I'm going to be really good this weekend and if I do have a drink it will be a couple of gin and slimline tonics, no wine or cider. 


Here's to nailing this this time!