OK, so maybe it isn't a real "dirty little secret" but it is a secret none-the-less....

Weight-loss to me is like one of those unspoken dinner topics - politics, religion, sports (just because sports talk is tedious) - you don't bring up.  I never tell anyone, ANYONE, I am trying to lose weight.  I can't even let the words out of my mouth.  The idea of sharing that information is just too daunting.  The fear it causes me is insane.  

Why does this issue that so many people deal with make me want to hide and act like I know nothing about it?  I can easily sum that up in one word...Judgement.  Life is filled with being judged.  You are judged by your clothes, hair, car, house, bags under your eyes, your spouse (or ex-spouse in my case), your dating habits (or lack of dating habits in my case), your kids behavior, the friends you keep, the friends you don't keep, how you spend your money....the list is endless.  

Since I young child I have been judged by many differnt things - my grades, my attitude, my weight and I ended up becoming very self-conscitous and critical of myself.  When someone judges me my defensives spring up like porqupine quills.  I want to hear nothing of it.  If I had the balls, I would say all the fabulous things I'm thinking, but I lack balls in many areas, so I just keep it in.  So people continue to judge and I continue to listen and let the words flow through me inch by inch until I am just one full sponge of judgements and thoughts.  As you can imagine it is quite the emotional burden to bear.

All of the outside comments and critiques made me decide that I don't  want to nor need to be accountable to ANYONE about my weight loss.  It is all mine to judge and critique myself.  It's mine to do the happy dance about or to cry about.  It's mine to praise and mine to curse.  I own it - success, failure and in between.  Why do I need people to know I am working on a healthier lifestyle?  If they knew I know what would happen because I have had it happen.  "Why are you eating that? Wouldn't you rather take the stairs?  You're allowed to have that on a diet?  Do you do Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, "insert diet here"? But you look fiiiiiiiine."  

Those question, though harmless in many cases, really play on your mind when you are changing your behavior.  Because one "I didn't know you could have that on a diet" turns into me saying "Should I have eaten that? Why did I cheat on my food plan?  Now I'm going to gain weight. I can't do this. I am a failure.  I should just eat a whole box of cookies now, because I am not good for anything."  Dramatic? Maybe.  Realistic for a person who struggles with weight issues. Absolutely. I don't need well meaning people playing with my fragile "weight loss" mind and influencing me or changing my thoughts about my successes.  Crap, I do that too myself enough that I don't need external pressure.

So when I hear I need to be accountable to others, I have finally come to a place of acceptance knowing that I really don't need to do that.  I'm accountable to me.  And I can chose to be accountable to all of you on here, because you are going on the same journey I am.  You know my struggle.  You know my hopes, fears, wishes, desires, even if we haven't even spoke.  You know that I want to change, get healthy, look better....and you all openly accept that.  And as time goes on during these challenges I may share more of what I am experiencing and going through.  I may not. But either way I will work on myself and keep my secret until the day comes when people see the change.  

And once that happens, I hope I will be confident and strong enough to say what I feel when the make a comment.  But that will come in time and I'll figure it out when I get there........

On I go.....
