My Dirty Little Secret


01/09/2015 11:22AM
Totally understand. DB keeps asking me to put my results on FB, because of more accountability, and that freaks me out. I hear a lot of fear in your words. I know in my own mind it's fear of failure. If they know what Im doing, they expect something, and what if I can't do it? What if I fail? What if I have a momentary struggle and they notice?All I can say is fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. The "What If's" are not real.The problem is if u fear judgment now, u will also fear when it is obvious you've lost weight and all the attention you get of people saying how good you look. Then you could subconsciously put it all back on to avoid the attention. You are only accountable to yourself, yes. But yourself has been know to sabotage, and forget what u really want. We all need assistance sometimes. Trainers, nutritionists, friends. There is NO shame in that. That is you facing fear, and being REAL. You want to change. Just outside your comfort zone is everything you want.

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