I was a Diet Pepsi-a-holic!

I had been drinking soda for many, many years. I had heard that it was bad for me, but didn't really know "why" and even when I finally did read some of the bad things that it could do, I still lacked the willpower to quit drinking it. So many times I had said "I wish someone would just tell my why it is so bad for me, so I could quit drinking it." It got to the point where I was embarrassed to take the cans back to the store because I knew that I was the only one that drank all of that pop (we say pop in Michigan :) 

So, a few months before my 47th birthday, I was almost back to my "starting weight" again (had lost 35 lbs on the Medical Weight Loss Diet" for my 40th birthday) I was feeling so tired every day and I started having pain in my upper right shoulder and under my rib cage on the right side. I was convinced that I must have gallbladder problems. My mom, sister, niece and uncle had all had their gallbladders removed. I just figured it was my turn too. So, I went to the doctor, had an ultrasound done and found out...no gallbladder issues...BUT...I did have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease!! Unbelievable! I don't even drink alcohol, but I was doing the same thing to my liver that people that drink too much do. 

So, I finally got my "wake up call!!" I am thankful that for the pain that my body was in. If that hadn't happened, I would still be drinking Pepsi and not sitting here typing this right now. I finally quit drinking diet Pepsi in November, suffered withdrawal headaches for about two weeks, and started drinking water like I should've been doing all along. 

In reading more about what causes fatty liver disease, I learned that too much sugar causes it too. I definitely had been eating too much sugar and with my boy's crazy sports schedule, we ate out way too much on the weekends...burgers and fries, steak subs, etc. I had been going crazy since October, eating all the Halloween candy that my kids collected, Christmas cookies that my mom made for us, and I needed to stop. I was so thrilled when I saw the Chris Powell Dietbet pop up. I had done one last Spring and lost my 4%, but didn't keep it up. This time, I joined three different Dietbets. I am determined to finally take care of me and to see what the best shape I can be in will look like.

The other day, I was driving down the street and I could not believe how GOOD I felt!! My "brain-fog" was gone. I had a smile on my face for no reason. I just felt GOOD!! 

No More Pepsi for me!

I have my neighbor coming over to workout with me everyday, so having a workout buddy will keep me accountable. 

I am using MyFitnessPal to track my food (so awesome!!!)

Juicing fruits and vegetables...so delicious!!

I am doing this for my health this time. I will reverse that fatty liver diagnosis and never go back to my starting weight again. I always said that I wanted to be Hot by Fifty...but why wait?!?! Why not do it now at 47?! 

I am looking forward to finally feeling good about being "IN" family photos. No more hiding behind my kids (they are getting too tall, so I can't do it much longer anyway, lol.) 

I read through so may testimonials yesterday and they are so inspiring. I would like to thank others that shared their stories and hopefully my story about finally quitting diet soda will inspire someone else to quit too before it is too late.

Good Luck Everyone!!!