I have been exceptionally good through Christmas and New Years.  I actually met the round 2 goal the Monday prior to the weigh in.  I've never been prouder of myself.

But something changed. My resolve faltered.

My son had his wisdom teeth out this week.  I'm not sure why this was an excuse, but it was.  I ate bad!!

Tuesday we had a "last supper" of sorts on the night before.  I smashed the basket of rolls.  Then the surgery happened on Wednesday.

My son did great.  But what did I do? I indulged in frozen custard, ice cream and a frosty each day.  I went so far as to add a fast food sandwich on the last trip.  

Now I feel like crap.  Not just guilt either. It's physically uncomfortable in my body right now because of the garbage I've shoveled inside.

I've gained 7 pounds this week. I'm really disappointed in myself.  

It's time to get back in the game.