Whoo hoo! Just completed my second day of the Les Mills Body Combat program from Beachbody.  Today's workout was Power HIIT.  It was intense!  I burned 320 calories in 30 minutes and my heart rate was an average of 161 including cool down.  My heart rate was at 180 a couple of minutes into the warm up!  I thought I was going to have a hard time keeping up with the pace but I did really well up until the burpees, then I had to follow the modification and I took a couple of short breaks but my heart rate was at almost 190 then so it was probably a good idea.  I also had a hard time with the planks and mountain climbers but I gave it my best shot and hopefully I can get to them once my arms and core get stronger.

All in all, it was a great workout and it actually went by really fast!