Anyone have their goals set for this year? Or this month?

Setting goals is a component to long-term success. Think about it: you can’t get where you are trying to go until you clearly define where that is.

My goals for the next 30 days:

1. Double my max out time in my HIIT workout fit test.

2. Drink at least 1 gallon of water per day EVERDAY. Be consistent!

3. Stick to my current weight loss nutrition program ... That means (for me): 4 servings of veggies per day, 3 servings of fruit per day, 4 servings of protein per day, 3 grain servings per day, 1 healthy fat serving per day, 1 sauce/dressing serving per day, 4 oils/nut butter servings per day. No excuses.

4. Listen to my body, and modify my workouts when my knees start feeling it. I have a tendency to "push through" the workout, and I get injured sometimes.

5. Lose 4% of my bodyweight (10.1 lbs) by February 8th so that I can be part of the winner group in this DietBet.

I know that if I conutinue to improve my performance in my workouts by pushing hard and doing a little better each day ... and stick 100% to my nutrition plan ... The results will come.