There's one in every work setting, the girl who looks for things to notice about other people. If you have a flaw, no worries, she'll find it and point it out to everyone around her.

It's fun to catch her off guard and make her notice something positive. Her face wrinkes up with concern when she asks "Did you get that for Christmas?" You can see the worry that she's got nothing on you today and will need to keep looking.

The one that lurks in my place of work trotted right over when she spotted me yesterday morning. She had a savory bit to share about someone else and I was her intended audience. 

I took off my jacket. She stopped in her tracks.

"Your hair," she said. 

I waited.

"It looks really good."

I thanked her, sat down, and flipped on the computer screen, expecting her her leave. She didn't.

"Did you get it cut?" she asked.

"No," I said, "But again, thank you," keeping my eyes on the screen while she kept her eyes on me, determined to figure it out. If it wasn't my hair, then what?!

She walked slowly away. I could hear the gears grinding as she went.

My hair is the same as it is every day. Shoulder length, straight, dark blonde, sometimes up, sometimes down. It wasn't the hair. But there was no way I was going to tell her what it was, that I was leaner and fitter than the last time she'd seen me. I'll let her puzzle this one out all by herself. 

But just for fun, I'll give my same old hair a little toss when I walk by her.