I signed up for this dietbet when the last one I was involved with ended. I did not do well on it. I know why. It was a choice I had made. I did not get serious about the bet. Then when time was winding down I used that as an excuse to avoid working out, what was the point I was not going to reach my goal anyway. I am not going to do that again.


You see, I really do have a goal I want to reach. I would like to lose 27 pounds by Easter 2015. This will mean I will finally have achieved a goal I had set about 4 years ago. It will not put me in the right place as far as the many charts that define healthy weights for people my height. Yet, it will help me see if I want to keep going toward it.

Now that I look at the number 27, I am confident I can reach that goal by Easter, only 4 months away.That cold be as many as 3 diet bets. Looks like a new dress for Easter services at church, maybe new clothes for school. Friends have asked who is hiding in my clothes now. Wonder what they will say then.


Can not wait to get started with other driven folks.