So last Saturday my work took my husband and I out to a very nice restuarant because they slacked and didn't do a Christmas party. I work in a very small office with just men so that probably helps explain why so late (Haha!). Anyway, I did really good all week preparing myself to go out and did well at every meal. The food at the restuarant ended up being TO DIE FOR and I ate every little bit! The rolls, the scalloped potatoes, the beautiful lemon dessert... Gah! My weekend of indulging did not end there. On Sunday we took off on a party bus to Wendover Nevada to gamble, drink, and play for the Super Bowl. That is exactly what I did. I didn't go too crazy at the buffet and stuck to protein only, but that stuff can't be that good for you. I think what really got me was all the vodka tonics, beer, and whiskey. Don't mean to get you people craving so let me move on to Monday morning. 

Monday morning I knew I had to get on the scale. I knew that in order to recover from the damage I did I had to see how much damage there was. Well...I was up 3.6 pounds from Thursday's weigh-in. Disappointing but I knew that my fun would come back to haunt me with that first delicous bite. Did I let this discourage me? Oh hell no I didn't! I had fun and I enjoyed myself, and that is exactly what you need sometimes. 

In the past I have found myself tearing myself apart over a gain and then I would just give up. I would return to my terrible way of eating and just destroy all of my hard work and progress. Not this time though. I have told myself that I will indulge sometimes because if I didn't give myself that, then I would feel deprived. Deprivation is NEVER good. All of Monday and this entire week I put my nose to the grindstone and today (1 week after my last weigh-in) I lost all the weight from the weekend plus an additional .8 pounds! 

Moral of the story, NEVER give up, NEVER let that cheat destroy your progress, and NEVER deprive yourself.