Yesterday was my birthday. 


It's a number that has triggered a wave of introspection. I'm excited about this year of my life as I feel that I'm finally coming of age. I'm excited to face challenges with a moxy that I've never possessed before.

This age certainly doesn't mark the beginning of my body image struggles. In fact, I'm healthier now than I've ever been in my life. I'm not chasing that high school body that so many are nostalgic for, because my high school body weighs in at 210 lbs. I'm proud of how far I've come, but there's still a long way to go.

My visions of myself have not yet been manifested. They live exclusively in the future. On one hand, I'm not burdened with the shame of "letting myself go". Yet, I fantasize about a triumph that I'm not sure is even possible for my body to accomplish.

I promise to prove to myself that this is something I can do. Running, once my arch-nemesis, has become my most loyal friend. Guaranteed to make me happier, stronger, less stressed, and more courageous. A trusted therapist. A nature guide. A life coach. A motivator.

We all know running isn't really any of these things, but by committing to my health I am all these things for myself. I know that practicing self-love will elevate me to amazing and inimaginable places. I am all I need to succeed. Now and forever always pushing to go further... 

I will go far.