Exercise: Fitstar yoga and horseback riding

Can I just say am I the only person who can’t figure out how to do scorpion dog?! I mean really where in the world is my leg supposed to bend to? And how do I know I am there? Also I totally fall over sideways when trying to do king pigeon. I figure this is due to my hips being way too tight and not square enough when moving from pigeon to king pigeon. Anyways all I can say to sum this up is thank god no one watches me do yoga!  

Craving: Green bagel with green cream cheese oh and a green beer to wash it down!

Eating:  Sampling one little piece from each nature box snack bag. So I do this every time I get new snacks. I just take a few pieces of each (or one depending on how big they are) just to see what everything tastes like. I counted each sample toward my daily calorie intake today to make sure it fits. But I have to say those peanut butter nom-noms are like heaven! I could eat the WHOLE BAG. And I would have but I am working on self-control so it is sitting in my desk drawer as a snack for a later date. But goodness they are delish!

Song of the day: Love You ‘Till the End by The Pogues

Good thing of the day: HAPPY ST. PATRICK’s DAY! Need I say more?

Annoying thing of the day: When in an interview and someone asks me what I think about my PI. Really… this is a serious question? I am a fifth year grad student who has 5 different deadlines coming up in the next 6 months and my funding for a post doc depends on the results. Do you really want me to answer that question about my PI right now?