Exercise: 2 mile jog with Lena (Aussie/Shiba Inu mix) horseback riding lesson

Lena is the best running buddy. Rain or shine, wind or snow, early or late she is ready to go. No complaints about hills or the route as long as there is some grass for the occasional poop break all is good. I am so glad my friend lets me borrow her basically whenever I want.

Craving: Cheese fries

Eating:  Those peanut butter nom-noms from nature box (my calorie count let me have two today) :)

Song of the day: Take your time by Sam Hunt

Good thing of the day: Positive horseback riding lessons. When all the hard work you have put in is seen by others!

Annoying thing of the day: 24hrs in a day is just not enough. No really I could use another 15hrs. Can someone please figure out how to slow down the earth’s rotation? Really physicists! Get on that!