Good morning... I am very excited about today. This is day number two OF following the DASH DIET Weight Loss Solution. This is not the first time I have followed this plan, I have been using the DASH diet for nearly three years... I have to admit, I have allowed some habits to creep by in and yes, I have had some bouts with emotional eating.. This plan really works for me, when I stay committed and consistent. I have to work hard at how many carbs I consume and when I eat them because it shows when I get on the scale..

Another helpful tool is the my fitnesspal app. I learned that I consumed ALOT OF SODIUM AND SUGARS in many items which prompted me to be more proactive at reading labels and portion control.. I lost 11 ponds in two weeks by following the diet plan to the letter.. My goal is to consume more healthy carbs in moderation... I have some Quinoa in the kitchen that I plan to add into my diet next week..

The DASH Diet,  Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension is pretty much like following the weightwatchers diet plan.

Check out this PDF file and learn more about the dash diet> Some diets are not for everyone so its very important to know what will work for you... You do not have to have Hypertension to benefit from this dietary approach. Here's the link below.

I wish to encourage everyone who has made a decision to live better, to eat healthier, and to move more.. You owe yourself the BEST LIFE EVER!!!!!