So two diet bets ended and the other one is just about to. The weigh-out overlaps on tomorrow's date, so it makes the most sense to weigh in tomorrow. No, I didn't peak today... so tomorrow is totally up in the air. Little nervous, but either way I have lost weight, got back to working out and eating better, and that is why we are here isn't it?

So this week I am changing it up. Last week was salad's and protein shake for dinner with exceptions once in awhile. This week is stir fry with protein shake. I find that if I keep with the same foods, it is a no brainer so I don't panic and eat something bad specifically when time is limited. THEN when I get tired of those foods, I change it and have them for awhile... and so forth. 

I am also changing my workout a bit. Yoga everyday after work. Work on the core and flexibility. ;-)

This is the last week of doing the "butt challenge". I am going to work on the thigh calendar next.

Well, not too interesting today sorry. Tired. Worn out. 

See you tomorrow for the weigh in!