It is ridiculous how much my weight can change during the day. 

I was part of three diet bets. One needed weigh in today or tomorrow, and the other two today or yesterday. So, it made sense to do it today. Espeically since I thought it worked the same way as weighing in...meaning you can use it for all three...

So this morning I work and was going to have my hubby take the pictures which would be the norm. Well, he didn't get out of bed. I would have been 147 and change. Oh well. Worked out. Hubby woke up late and had limited time before he left. Okay, weighed in and had him take my picture with the word. 148 and change. Cool. I did it! YEAH! So I submit and spend the morning trying to figure out how you to use that for the other two. They both seem to have their own words. My hubby is gone. Email diet bet. Need to go to work. Diet bet lets me know you have to do the final weigh-in seperately. Ouy vay. So home for lunch and tried to get it done in front of our bathroom mirror. Only got one done. 148 and change again. Yeah! I did it! Back to work. Of course I didn't have time to upload so I did it from my phone in which chopped my head off. So I had to do it again when I got home. Jumped on the scale when I got home to do the final one. 149 and change!!! Now I am in panic mood because I know my goal weight was 149 and change. What if I am an oz off????!!!!! Just because of time of day. URGH!!!! BUT it was okay, checked. I made it. Phew. Of course then my picture was fuzzy and it didn't take so I had to do it again. REALLY?! 

Anyway, when all is said and done, I am a winner of all three diet bets. Even more important. I have lost weight, I am eating healthier, healthier habits, and overall feel better. I still have a ways to go. I was hoping to be half way there by the end of this but not quite.

Now to decide if I am doing this again. I know it will get more and more difficult. I know I am gaining muscle, which means the scale is going to move less. When it comes down to it though, I still have 10+ lbs to loose.... So.... probably. My hubby is even thinking of getting on board. He was trying to figure it out and thinks he would have won. My response was something like, but you didn't because you didn't bet on yourself. ;-)

Work was stressful today. I know, what is new. Stress is NOT good for losing weight. At least I figured out how to get it out when I get home. ;-)

Tonight I am going to a meeting to accept a $500 check for my son. I showed proof that he graduated boot camp and they are giving him money to help him for his future. Pretty cool. We are visiting him soon, so I am going to bring it with me to surprise him. :-) :-) :-) So excited to see him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations to everyone who made it. Congratulations to those who kept with it, lost weight, but not quite make it. You kept with it! Keep doing that. Don't give up. I didn't make it the first time. It happens. It is okay. Keep going!