I've got 26 days to lose 5.6lbs. It doesn't sound like a lot of weight, but I know from past dietbets that the final weigh-in day really sneaks up on me and I end up doing everything I possibly can in the final 2 days to get off the last 1-2 lbs to win the challenge. I don't want that to happen this time, and my goal is to lose the 5.6lbs sooner so that the last week or so of the challenge can be focused on maintenance. So I'd like to lose about 2lbs a week for the next 3 weeks.


My plan: 1) Bikini Body Mommy workout everyday, doubling up the workouts every other day (they are only 20 mins long). 2) start planning ahead healthy snacks for the evening typical binge time like chia seed pudding with fruit, healthy popsicles, popcorn, etc. 3) get in as many fruits and veggies as I can during the day- salads for lunch, veggies with dinner, and fruit/smoothies as snacks, and 4) add on 10-15 mins onto daily dog walks (funny enough, my dog also needs to lose weight after a harsh Canadian winter!).


I have a lot more areas where I can improve on being more active and eating clean, but these are the main things I'm going to focus on and I think if I'm consistent I will see big losses. I'm not ready to track all my food yet or anything because I find I get very obsessive when I do that and it just takes up a huge chunk of my time during the day. A little more planning ahead and reaching for healthy foods as I go throughout my day will likely be enough, but I can re-evaluate as I go along.


I'm going to rock it and there's no way I'm going to lose this dietbet! I just can't wait to get this winter weight off so I can do another dietbet and get even more off!! :)