In addition to the DietBet  LSF Holiday Slimdown Challenge, I'm also participating in a yoga challenge at my studio. It's not that crazy Bikram challenge (and I mean that with major love and respect to my Bikram friends). It's a 21 day challenge over the course of the month, and, even better, I can win a free month (there's a reason so many yogis opt to practice at home...that type of yogi goodness ain't cheap).

I'm doing the DietBet challenge because I buy in to Katie's philosophy and I'm ready to change how I think and feel about my stronger, healthier body. For life.

I'm doing the yoga challenge because there's something about regular yoga practice...I walk taller when I practice. I smile more freely. I respect my body more. It is both meaningful and challenging, and I want it to be a consistent, if not daily part of my life. (Oh, also because I can win a free month membership...#KeepinItReal)

So, why is it, then, keeping both my DietBet and Yoga aspirations in mind, that I almost didn't go to yoga on DAY TWO of both challenges. Whaaaa? I mean, I literally got out of bed and walked to the bathroom where my yoga clothes were neatly folded and ready. I even brushed my teeth! Yet... 

I stood there and looked in the mirror for 5 minutes. The following inner dialogue ensued:

I'm so tired...

I'm not THAT tired...

But this juice cleanse...I don't think I have enough energy...I'm going back to bed.

I'll have enough energy. GO.

Meh...I'll go later...or tomorrow...

At the last moment, I was like wait, seriously? You're up. Just. DO. This.

So, I went. I had plenty of energy (though my legs were super tired from Katie's workout yesterday), and I was able to leave that studio with a smile on my face and a little more pride in my heart.

I have plenty of bad habits, they were easy to form. Now I'm at a place where I'm determined to create some good habits--some great ones. Like, going to yoga regularly, strengthening my body, treating myself with respect, positivity and compassion. How can such worthy habits be so difficult to form? Yet here we are.

So here's to our accomplishments on day 2, day 3, and every day after. Celebrate each and every one.